

1998 Hut winner of the Gallardete Prize 

Falls Cañuelas: Great champion, male and female PC. Best joint of 3 M and 3F PC

National- Azul: Great champion female PC, Rdo Great champion female PC. St Rosa (LP) Great champion female PC. B.Blanca Great champion male PC, Rdo Great champion female PC. 

1999 Hut winner of the Gallardete Prize 

Falls Cañuelas: Great champion female PC. Rdo Great champion female PC. Best joint of 3 M and 3H PC. Sanjusto (santa fe): champion, male and female PC, , Rdo Great champion female PC. Best joint of 3 M and 3F PC. St Rosa (LP) Great champion female PC. B.Blanca Great champion male PC, Rdo Great champion female PC.

2000 Hut winner of the Gallardete Prize 

Falls Cañuelas: Great champion, male and female PC. Best joint of 3 M and 3H PC. . Sanjusto (santa fe): champion, male and female PC, Rdo Great champion female PC. National- Azul: Great champion female PC, Rdo Great champion female PC. B.Blanca Great champion male and female PC, Rdo Great champion female PC. Best joint of 3 M and 3F PC

Auction Sale Argentine Geography



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